Environmental Stewardship & Continuous Improvement in Solid Waste Management

Trailer Locations

Carroll County Rural Recycling Locations

Carroll Recycling Center: Rural Recycle Trailers are on the lot north of the office and scale, located at 19111 Kittyhawk Avenue, Carroll.


Crawford County Rural Recycling Locations

Boyer: Building by county shed

Buck Grove: North of Lost Wages

Charter Oak: County shop

Denison: Thrift store parking lot

Recycling Transfer Station on Highway 39 North

Dow City: Park

Kiron: Between city shop and auto body shop

Manilla: County shop

Ricketts: South corner of town along highway

Schleswig: Along E16

Vail: S.E. of gas station on Highway 30

Westside: Cennex semi station along Highway 30


Guthrie County Rural Recycling Locations

Adair:  Full-time at the city maintenance shed

Bagley:  3rd week of each month

Bayard:  4th week of each month near the old school house site

Jamaica:  2nd week of the month along Railway Street

Panora:  Full-time at the Heartland Cardtrol on E. Clay Street

Guthrie Center:  Full-time at the Redemption Center on S. 2nd Avenue

Recycling Transfer Station on Highway 44 West

Yale:  1st week of each month north of the city park on Railroad Street


Shelby County Rural Recycling Locations

Transfer Station: Rural Recycling Trailers are on site at the Harlan transfer station, located at 1129 1200th St, Harlan.